there is no glossing over. What you are not understanding in all...

  1. 19,849 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 325
    there is no glossing over. What you are not understanding in all this stuff in your head is that there are bad people in every walk of life, from every ethnic and religious background and in every aged group.

    only people obsessed with prejudice cannot see that you cannot label a whole group because of a few. That is either the product of a deeply held prejudice, an unhinged mind or somebody incapable of rational and objective thought

    I’ve met some tosser nasty humans in my time but I’m not going to then generalise that.

    further you over estimate the influence of atheists who might have been brought up by Jewish parents, Jews who repudiated everything their religion taught them, ideologue Jews who wanted a better world and ordinary everyday Jews who went about their business

    the reason you see off hand comments from me is because it matters not what anyone says - you are completely incapable of taking in new information against the cesspit of prejudice and what looks like anger. You did in deeper and then start in on me - assuming, accusing or ignoring.

    your damned lucky I even bother to respond to your persistent and repetitive posts

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