EVR 25.0% 0.3¢ ev resources ltd

Go through what you like man. Point is, it is a cop out project...

  1. 2,057 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 516
    Go through what you like man.

    Point is, it is a cop out project to take the heat off Kambale which has stopped in its tracks.

    This excuse of a gold project was going back 10 years or so before the board dusted it off to give the shareholders some news. Both results were average at best and a paltry 3 million odd shares traded on the day of last assay results.

    Probably tells you enough.

    Just keeping with the facts.

    Gold prices mean shit unless you have a mineable resource.

    I'll call it now.... a duster.

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0.3¢ 0.3¢ 0.3¢ $432 172.7K

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23 150877037 0.2¢

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0.3¢ 10801010 14
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Last trade - 15.46pm 27/12/2024 (20 minute delay) ?
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