Looking at the Broader Ponzi with the Dow being in corrective mode with the November gap closing. Overnight action indicates feebleness with a close on its low.
The Nasdaq with a large divergence from the Dow with it being Bankstered along with the feeble bounce.
Junk Bonds down at a level of support and breaking well below its 50 day. This rubbish has been propped up by the Banksters to aid the Ponzi run by these clowns. The question is are the Banksters taking away the "punchbowl" in an attempt to allow a controlled correction? Judging by the rate cut statement by Powell This appears to be their aim.
Bankster index looking to close its own gap.
10 year yield being allowed to charge higher as the yield curve is almost back to uninverted.
So if the Ponzi takes a big hit then gold will no doubt be attacked.
All and sundry appear to be front running Trump.
Daily on the game.