GOLD 0.51% $1,391.7 gold futures

Couldn't open it mate. Every single US government announcement...

  1. 10,930 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4476

    Couldn't open it mate. Every single US government announcement under the Biden Admin whether it be financial, economic or anything else is completely fabricated to suit their narrative and is total garbage in the same manner of the virus/Jab operation along with the Russian war and what we have now in Syria where they are legitimising a psychopathic murdering Jihadi as the new genuine leader of Syria while demonizing the previous leader and staying silent about the ongoing Israeli genocide.
    This is how Western governments work under the "tutelage" of their American masters who run the game. They send billions to fill the pockets of corrupted Ukrainian "officials" while their own populations suffer from the inflation and economic stagnation that has been forced on them by these same Western governments.
    It is no wonder the western rule of governance is moving to total collapse.

    Weekly on the silver game.

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