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There may be no stopping the US. Australia cannot compete with...

  1. 1,624 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 198
    There may be no stopping the US. Australia cannot compete with the technology coming out of China, India, and the US. Tesla is protected from China with tarrifs, as are many other businesses, and European car manufacturers are dying a slow death.
    the only business doing well in Australia are linked to government spending.
    If we didn't have iron ore, we'd be a third world country.
    There could still be a crash in the US but it will need a black swan event.
    forein money is now flowing out of the ASX, because the next quarterly figures are going to show a decline in the economy.
    The US is definitely in debt ( adding 1 trillion to the 36 trillion every 100 days).
    The interest on debt alone is higher than their tax revenue. Other countries are moving away from paying their bills in US dollars, which limits how much the US can print.
    So yes, one day the system will fold, but it might tread water for longer than we think.
    either way you look at it, a Trump government is not good for the rest of the world economies.
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