SP500 0.58% 2,958.8 standard & poor's 500

Hey guys, PSA - Australia has a new active ETF provider, Savana...

  1. 6 Posts.
    Hey guys,

    PSA - Australia has a new active ETF provider, Savana Asset Management (https://www.savana.ai/). Based on their website, they have a very unique approach to investing by leveraging a 100% digitalised strategy to pinpoint and capitalize on undervalued stocks.

    They have just launched their first fund, which is a US small caps fund. Their Fact Sheet shows very strong performance since inception (paper-traded up to Nov-24) of 41.8% annualized alpha. Think this is really interesting time to get into US small caps given (i) near record valuation gap between small and large cap stocks (ii) anticipated monetary softening; and (iii) the likely supportive policy environment under the Trump administration.

    Would be interested to get people's thoughts.

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