RAC 1.09% $1.36 race oncology ltd

I have kept saying HC has an ignore button . Some of my more...

  1. 17,793 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 448
    I have kept saying HC has an ignore button .
    Some of my more recent posts have been general in nature and not RAC specific ( responding to questions)
    I actually find “name calling “ by other posters in response to some of my posts quite pathetic but I guess that can happen when you offer alternative views on anything to the majority .
    Happy for robust discussions .
    In regards to Dr T I have respect for what he is trying to do for RAC and shareholders . I understand his rationale for posting on HC .
    I , however , feel that no CEOs / company reps should post on what is basically a chat line . I feel it may create a “pied piper “ scenario, anticipation , expectation etc etc .
    On this , I feel , Dr T and I agree to disagree and that’s fine .
    Not one of my posts has been disparaging about the companies drug and it seems to have potential.

    wishing all a merry Xmas and successful healthy 2025
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