STTCOMP AXL FA LONGVolume ramping up significantly for this...

  1. 933 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 19

    Volume ramping up significantly for this little rare earths play.

    They have $11.2 million cash at end of this quarter with a market cap of $7.6 million currently at 7.6 cents. Negative EV play with good announcements back to back. Reminds me of MEI, when they first started with better drill results. Right now REE plays have a negative sentiment but expect this (maybe) to change once Trump fully takes the reign.

    Since last week more than half of the avaliable shares on market have been overturned.

    10million escrowed shares released on the 15th, which have contributed to the selling pressure on todays announcement leaving it flat despite good news.

    Daily chart looks like nothing special, but the hourly chart given recent news looks like its ready to run after all the selling is done at high 7- 8c.

    No reason why this can't go back to 10s here.

    No real volume since its IPO, and the selling looks to be bottoming out at 7c. Has nearly retraced back to its all time low from the announcement last week so suggests someone is trying to get out from every announcement, positive or not.

    Once this occurs, could give AXL a run for its money and push back up to 10c +

    Last edited by aceryx: 17/12/24
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