ASN 3.57% 5.8¢ anson resources limited

Good morning, ASN have said KOCH results in Feb, yes ?So I'm not...

  1. 1,571 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 451
    Good morning,
    ASN have said KOCH results in Feb, yes ?
    So I'm not expecting any funding news from them till after that.
    EXIM have stated $330mill based on project value, that figure could go up if project value goes up due to increased JORC and a higher TPA announced.
    But some funding could come via contract finalization with LGES with a bigger offtake and prepurchase $$$. Also we may see other offtakes in ASNs pipeline announced...
    JV's on other minerals ?

    lots to look forward too all things going well macrolly.


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