Good post, ETF's way to go, too many 'known unknowns' otherwise. Our poison is CRYP.
Started trading it seriously about 6 mths ago with limited success but now just hold a small investment.
Garage has been LT skeptics of Bitcoin, they say skepticism in all things very much an expression of intelligence especially in the digital nightmare of 2024, so the boys just acting naturally (although many would disagree)
Lot of mindless noise and hype surrounding crypto but 10% of it is starting to make perfect sense as an emerging universal store of value especially if you understand the concept of blockchain and the value of 'uniqueness'.
The Trump 'strategic reserve' thing adds fuel to the fire.
To me there is enough commonsense argument out there to make it a viable but small part of any investment portfolio, also one must be aware of the effects it will have on the 'gold standard'.