LTR 0.00% 55.0¢ liontown resources limited

Merry Xmas everyoneWas in the same boat about choice of EV. Was...

  1. 918 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 155
    Merry Xmas everyone
    Was in the same boat about choice of EV. Was going to buy KIA 9 @$140,000.00 but bough a learner car Xpeng G6 @$62,000.00
    on the internet and delivered to home on a tilt tray. One and a half weeks later after driving around doing Xmas shopping charging from the solar
    at home then a 450km trip on a lot of freeway whichthe EVs are opposite to ICE cars [it uses more power on the freeway] and am now charging @home again. I have made the right decision and am very happy with the learner car which is 4 wheels, a battery, and a computer which you have to set up to suit yourself that's a EV in a nut shell.
    Next year when V2H and all that stuff comes in I will buy a bigger SUV,EV.
    Fuel saving so far about $200-250.
    P.S. have kept the ICE tank to tow the big trailer down in the bottom shed collecting dust!
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