Yeah, my daughter also holds some, good source of the 'pip squeal' as she focuses on the absolute and not the more rational %'s, BTC can climb 3000 in an hour but only 3% to logical mind, she concentrates on the big number and the squeal a reflection of that in volume and pitch, teenage girls have no time for logic and rationality.
While less skeptical still far from a sure thing though, the one thing that I can't rationalise is trumps action of openly promoting it, when I heard about the US 'strategic reserve' thing was surprised.
The US enjoy huge advantage with the global status of the USD, strategically the US would like that to continue indefinitely,
but crypto I see as a long term natural competitor. potentially a true global transactional unique record without geopolitical bias.
I could imagine someone high up in the FED having a few words in trumps ear reminding him he is the Pres of the USA and not the CEO of Tesla so you keep an eye on matters of political legacy.
Maybe the higher up's in the US strategic think tanks are resigned to its inevitability (BTC) and are convinced early adoption the way to maintain comparative advantage? Who knows I certainly don't.
About the only negative I can think of, good play ATM on behalf of your female offspring, like your investment timelines but not a 'set and forget' just yet.