LOL...I didn't realise I was talking to someone who was so...

  1. 10,885 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 585
    LOL...I didn't realise I was talking to someone who was so mature, now I feel bad. So what gives you the right to talk to anyone the way you did? I didn't realise you were such an important poster on HC you got to decide what people can and can't post based on what amuses and doesn't amuse you.

    Judging by your posting history you don't actually trade so you can't be an upset bull taking a shot. Being honest I don't really care what you think, I didn't even know who you were before I joined this thread which isn't a good reflection on you. What I do care about is manners.

    Something that costs nothing and everyone should use. Clearly judging by your posts you are missing a decent formal education something as you can tell from my sense of humour I am not lacking. However nothing says poor breeding like a lack of manners. Maybe come back when you learnt some manners?

    P.S. Have a great night .
    Last edited by TheReaper: Friday, 23:27
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