STTCOMP MEM FA LONGMktcap-$10millS/P- .006Well, after losing my...

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    S/P- .006

    Well, after losing my Jersey and not tipping for some time, it's time for a Kenji Comeback. (I don't mean like the Parks and recreation clip type comeback! Search You tube "Parks and Rec Come back joke" if you're not squeamish)

    Discloser, I am a top 20 holderand Bias as all hell LOL. But only because the SP has been smashed and so lowthat I’ve been able to buy large amounts cheaply. This maybe the longest postfor a stock ever for the STT Comp ………

    So in MID 2020 ASX MEM reached anATH of 15c. At the time it was a MC of around $100 million. This was on theback of a brokers report by Pitt St signalling a buy and a range of low case15c and high of 24c. The problem for the company came when the previous CEOgave the bad news that the trial for TGA was delayed (Covid) right before Xmas2020. This started a steady and slow decline back into the abyss of small capsmarket of post covid, unloved and no revenue.

    When it was valued by Pitt St theywere only looking at the Felix device for humans and the potential sales. Sincethen, the company has come a long way. More on that later. MEM for their trialdon’t have to reinvent the wheel, they only have to show its not dangerous, andit is at least equal to the current processes. (for humans). All the data tothis point shows that it is better so the CE Mark they are now going for andthe TGA are a shoe in. All the KOLs agree on this. With 95% down a few weeksago, it is likely by the end of the CY or at worst end on Jan the trial will becomplete and the paperwork will start. (I wrote this 2 days ago, an ann come inyesterday 100% complete, so already finished)The day this gets the CE mark, weopen all of the EU up for sales. Plenty of KOLs in the EU did testing and know the product, so sales should be immediate. To put it in simple terms. Its an upgrade, yes you can get the job done with the old system but the new is like saying would you like a 100 mbps download speed or the new 350 mbps speed for the same price with no outages? Upgrade in speed and quality.

    So when the old CEO was in placeshe was waiting on the hope of the FELIX becoming commercial, and throwing upher hands (literially in a webinar) not understanding what the market wanted.Well it was clear to all (except her) they wanted revenue and more. So we havea new CEO in place and in the last 6 months we have seen a massive growth inproduct and possibilities. What has the market shown him? Nothing! Below is thelist of announcements most PS and achievements over his time as CEO. For allhis hard work we see a 50% decline in SP. (The great thing about a 50% declinemeans anyone buying now gets a 100% return to get back to where we were )

    1. oxidative stress measurement system

    2. multiple live births in Japan andIndia

    3. “Swim-up” aspect of trial completedDensity Gradient Centrifugation (DGC) trial arm 50% completed

    4. Memphasys commits to a three-yearequine fertility study, positioning Felix™ as a leading technology for equinesperm selection. Commercial outcomes expected within 12 months

    5. Memphasys anticipates Felix™ will beready for use and global distribution in nonthoroughbred Equine applicationswithin 12 months, targeting over 4,000 horse breeders.

    6. The equine fertility study will alsoexplore oxidative stress measurement in both thoroughbred and non-thoroughbredhorses, expanding RoXsta’sTM market application into the animal sector.

    7. Study confirms Felix™ Systemsuccessfully isolates viable, low-ROS-producing frozen-thawed stallionspermatozoa, significantly improving sperm quality.

    8. Felix™ System clinical trial reaches90% completion

    9. The International Search Report onMemphasys' innovative RoXsta™ antioxidant system confirms all claims in itspatent application are novel and inventive.

    10. TheFelix™ System clinical trial has now reached 95%

    11. Scopingstudy to commence to assess the potential use of Memphasys' innovative RoXsta™System to determine threshold levels of oxidative stress in the bovine andpotential correlations with productive performance.Preliminary pregnancyresults expected late February 2025

    12. thereceipt of an order for its Felix™ System from a clinic in Dubai, United ArabEmirates (UAE). The order includes one demonstration unit and 30 cartridges

    13. MemphasysSigns Letter of Intent with Heranova™ for FelixTM System Distribution inGreater China.

    So imagineany other company getting a foot in the door to the Chinese market, the SPwould pump, but no, nothing. The point in all this is we are getting very closeto the trial ending (as mentioned, now complete) and we now have 3-4 otherproducts getting ready to commercialize in the coming year. The biggestnegative for the company is cash, we are low and just completed a CR. Myexpectation is that Vitrolife will either buy the rights to the Felix devicefor a sum of $$ and rights to sell it in Japan, Europe, NZ and Canada. I would alsoexpect that will give us plenty of $$$ and future royalties, similar to therecent China ann. We also open up the Indian market, that have been using theFelix and achieved several births for families that were told they likelycan’t. This contract will overnight give any investor 100%+ on their $$ I say100%+ because our MC is tiny and the deal will likely be triple our MC for 1deal. We then have the Felix device for China, royalties and for animals. DYORand you’ll see the market for horses, cows, pigs is just as big. We also haveother products that are on their way to make Felix look like a small fish in ahuge ocean. Once we have the cash in the bank, risk is gone and from this MC,1000% is not only possible, but probably downramping! We were 15c just on theFelix possible sales. So getting from .005 to 5c (1000%), could be done in amatter of months!!! So yes, MEM is possibly the best small cap under valuedshare on the ASX currently. I’ve been holding this post for some time as timingfor the comp is important. I think I am running short of time, so here it is.Watch me break all time records with this baby ROFL!!!!!

    On a finalnote, the announcement yesterday talks of partnerships and the need to bringhome the bacon. There has been a big shift with these types of comments; : Initial results will be released to ASX and shared with current and newstrategic partners to expedite commercial discussions and market entry. The company is aware it’s time to pay back SH for their LT support. They also know there are plenty of revenue options so are willing to cut profit with partnership deals to start, as they need $$ and can’t keep tapping us for $$$. All steps in the right direction. Also Monash IVF commented on the trial in a positive light. Those new to MEM need to know that Monash were so impressed they decided instead of $$$ to conduct the trials, they had 2 demands. Be paid in shares, not cash and exclusive sales rights for the first 12 months. That is from Australia’s most well known IVF company.

    On a final final note ……. 15.5c would be our ATH. From here that would be +2,600% !!!! Wait WHAT! So if I bought 1 million shares at .006 and it reaches ATH of 15.5c $6000 would be $155k??? Sign me up! (MEM would be a MC of 270 million) So at least 18 months )

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