What Zelensky says is simply what he is told to say by his US Deep State Nazi handlers. And he has no control over firing western weapons into Russia as it does not involve Ukrainians. He is simply a ventriloquist dummy in the same manner as Biden albeit a bit more lively. What we are seeing here is very similar to what the Israeli's were doing to the Iranians in their desperation to invoke an Iranian military response so they could "persuade" the Americans to attack Iran on their behalf. The "Ukrainian" attacks on Russia are escalating in an attempt to force a Russian response big enough to create a situation that would bring in NATO to wage war against Russia "to protect Ukraine" before Trump gets in. Its also becoming clearer to me that a deal was indeed done between the Ruski's and the Yankees the Turks and the Israeli's, (that being the Trump team) over Syria. The lies, propaganda and pure gibberish being spouted by the Western Ruling Class about Assad is stratospheric. There is no truth in war. There is very little truth in the best of times.