PER 14.3% 0.8¢ percheron therapeutics limited

a company in such a position is always worth less than net...

  1. 6,511 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 691
    a company in such a position is always worth less than net assets.

    You are completely ignoring multiple risk factors and the time erosion of funds on hand.

    But I will give you what I think is the biggest risk factor. The company has enough money to fund a fews years study into what else could be investigated such as a bigger study into long term covid effects of brain.

    Of course this wont happen overnight , but what you guess the company holds in cash 31 Dec 24 , and what it will look like in 12 -24 months time will be completely different.

    There are reasons why Platinum bailed and it doesnt include stupidity.

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Mkt cap ! $8.699M
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0.7¢ 0.8¢ 0.7¢ $161.1K 20.50M

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6 2232619 0.8¢

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0.9¢ 7815678 12
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Last trade - 16.10pm 27/12/2024 (20 minute delay) ?
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