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Originally posted by wrighty64:
Long time lurker first time entry bit of a puter numpty but rate my stock picks at times and recent lows as the market has a hissy fit seems a good fit. Don't know a whole lot about the game so be gentle. STTCOMP M4M F/A LONG. CEO Simon Rushton ex MIN head of resource development building a mining and services division in the Pilbara W.A. Gun BOD putting in some amazing J/V as a one stop mining division from pit to customer with the full suite of services going forward. STTCOMP PTR F/A LONG. Has had a stellar rise in recent times on the back of its H.M discovery at Muckanippie in the Gawler craton south Aus. Hit 41 cents and dried up as further assays are due to release soon. Huge ground to cover and very sparsley drilled but touted what could be a tier 1 discovery. STTCOMP MHK F/A LONG Gold explorer that sits in the guts of muti million-ounce mines in the Agnew/Lawlers zone in WA. Know the area and the ground it sits on and around and its hot as hell. Insane samples from multiple areas some drilling but bugger all at depth and that's the bunny in the headlight's as all around it mines go deep underground and have decades of production. STTCOMP ARI F/A LONG Another W.A. goldie in the zone at its Yundamindra prospect that's surrounded by huge mines in the Laverton /Leonora belt. Drilling is ongoing and again has only been tested at shallow depth. Deeper drills could really surprise here. Don't know if already any of the above are tipped but let's see how that lot go.
You can only have one tip per post so you will need to re-post your tips in separate posts so that the automatic program picks them up. Also, the format needs to be right so you need to remove the "/" and just use FA rather than F/A. Could you please re-post your tips so that the program picks them up? Great information. Thanks for sharing.