REP 4.27% 61.0¢ ram essential services property fund

BHP and RIO might close business in few decades but not the...

  1. 1,769 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 169
    BHP and RIO might close business in few decades but not the banks in their business model is basic necessities which 4 of them dominates so there is no competition neither they depend upon China or US politics.

    I sit on roughly 10% of my portfolio on REIT. I will be adding only if my existing position goes further down on REIT. The rate will be cut next year and if February job number comes down then it might give excuse to cut rate but it will be foolish to cut interest rates until someone find solution to residential property prices in Australia. Obviously weaker AUD means reduction in interest rates will make it more weaker impacting inflation..! Very strange and difficult time for Albo (whether to win election or screw Australian economy by reducing interest rates).

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Mkt cap ! $307.8M
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59.5¢ 62.0¢ 59.5¢ $76.08K 124.3K

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1 82 61.0¢

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61.5¢ 26460 2
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Last trade - 15.45pm 27/12/2024 (20 minute delay) ?
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