STTCOMP M4M FA LONG.Ex head of mining and services division at...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 282
    Ex head of mining and services division at MIN for 12 years.
    Looking to build a mining services division in the Pilbara W.A.
    Recent J/V and board member Shawn Tilley head of Paramount earthmoving with a 4-million-dollar strategic alliance deal.
    Logistics hub near Utah point port facilities a 900 hectare site equipped to handle crushing, blending and stockpiling also workshop accommodation, offices and a large hardstand washdown bay. Agreement with W.A limestone.
    J/V With 100% owned indigenous group Nyapiri holdings for provision of mining services and rehabilitation on there lands .
    That covers huge tracts of land with BHP,FMG,DEG,PLS and many other operations on its land titles. Smart business.
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