SHE 0.00% 0.7¢ stonehorse energy limited

How come both BRK and SHE have a fallen in a similar pattern, I...

  1. 2,492 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 117
    How come both BRK and SHE have a fallen in a similar pattern,
    I dont think David deloub can be held completely responsible for the fall in SHE Share price unless you are prepared to to call out the bourd in a similar manner for the fall in BRK share price, as they have both fallen. that is only fair.
    Secondly they are both oil companies, its common knowledge how oil and gas has been vilified.
    Not saying this is the only explanation but it a correlation between oil stock shows strong correlation of downward trend,.
    This means the oil sector is down, is it because of oil prices or is it because it has been vilified and people dont get excited about oil stocks.

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