SHE 0.00% 0.7¢ stonehorse energy limited

And quit the excuse of vilification of the sector. Were we not...

  1. 3,273 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 583
    And quit the excuse of vilification of the sector. Were we not 'vilified' last year when we were multiples of what we are now yet you were saying we were worth many many bags and people were saying we wouldn't drop further? The 'vilification' of the sector is nothing new and any decent company will work within that and not make excuses. The truth is Value, that every week you have a different excuse yet when someone mentions the directors you jump to their defence in a sick and twisted way. Long term holders don't want to here a different excuse every other week. They want to hear from our directors, not you. They want to hear about our growth plans and new wells, not your list of excuses. You graphs and tables are nothing new. The information is out there. Any mention of AVW and DMG makes you unstable yet aren't these companies run by our directors? Does that not count for anything? If a CEO turns a small company into a billion dollar behemoth, is it not because of the CEOs drive and determination and skill?
    Last edited by creditdumbness: 44 minutes ago
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