So, what will next year provide? 2024 was tough, as for next...

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 937
    So, what will next year provide?
    2024 was tough, as for next idea....the big picture, with its geopolitical input is outside my scope, I'll stick to a more focused look at the micros on a short term basis...
    Talking my own book, but, offering some stock suggestions for the brave...
    I do think RC1 may shine early into the NY, a big raise at .009, pump, on release of a research report, followed by the inevitable retrace. The objective is still in place though, a big drilling campaign of upgrade and discovery potential..
    A plethora of shell like structures, most have recently had board overhauls and capital injections, with interesting backers, such as IBG ICG HWK MDI
    Stocks like KFM, urgently needing some fist shaking at management level...lack of tolerance to under performance could be a market focus in the NY.
    POW would fall into a disappointing group, delisted after the vendors reneged at the last minute, however, a poor effort by CPS Capital in letting it decay to that degree under their watch.
    Good, bad, ugly.....good backers are essential however, always worth watching the sleepy shitco's that have backers who no doubt need to redeem themselves and will be trawling for flavour of the month deals to bring on liquidity events...amongst the ugly are, to name a few...FIN SLZ TKL GNM M3M MHC....and many others...a fertile hunting ground of rough looking mutts all looking for a place at the dog show
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