SHE 0.00% 0.7¢ stonehorse energy limited

You started harassing me , in this very thread with the...

  1. 2,492 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 117
    You started harassing me , in this very thread with the fabrication (hallucination) post of you saying Stonehorse energy did a credit raise during hte period of the graph., you were wrong ..why dont you admit that.
    If i was allowed to post a graph once a month without you fabricating slander and fictions about me and stonehorse energy we would not be talking now.
    Fact is i have to wait till the weekend before i can post any thing, and look at you, since the last Annual report this channel was swamped by your diatribes and aspersions of the board, and any one dis-agreed with you you resorted to slandering them.
    When asked to provided evidence you never do.
    In the end those positive posters leave, so the channel is left with you posting slander after slander post of stonehorse energy with the intent of share price destruction so you (or the person that deployed the large language model) can accumulate , if in fact you or your boss were accumulating as you claim you were.
    IT was you who said you were accumulating yet downramping at the same time with the sole intent of share price destruction.

    You leave me alone and i wont point out to your fabrications or your slander of stonehorse energy and other posters.
    OR i will repost what others have written about you to demonstrate your tactics of downramping and vilification of others.

    Last edited by Value4983843: 20 minutes ago
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