SHE 0.00% 0.7¢ stonehorse energy limited

The company share price has been falling for years just as BRK...

  1. 2,492 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 117
    The company share price has been falling for years just as BRK has, you have seen both graphs posted.
    And their is a correlation between them.
    How do you explain that correlation !! ?
    Another questions?
    You say BRK has great management yet STonehorse energy does NOT.... Then:
    1) how do you explain your recent inadvertent revelation that you have been accumulating Stonehorse energy but not Brookside energy.
    2) How do you explain your recent inadvertent revelation that you you have been accumulating Stonehorse energy whilst spreading disinformation about
    stonehorse energy such as it has been doing credit raises over the last few years ?
    If stonehorse energy has such bad management but BRK has such great management and they both have fallen a similar amount
    then why accumulate SHE instead of BRK ?
    What was it you said a year ago when you were exposed by several posters as a downramper and liar.
    This is what credit dumbness wrote along the lines "Oh .. people will forget what i post ,i will just not post for a few days ."

    OR the other time when you exposed as fabricating lies about stonehorse energy.
    " you said it does not matter lying ,as its just a game and people forget."
    What about when other people have exposed you for being a downramper and fabricating fictions about CI1 or AVW .
    You are well known across many channels, bot or human you are a known downramper whose is intent on share price destruction and then blames the CEO all the while accumulating ?/
    Its the oldest trick in the book, people have been casting lies about companies to cause a crash or downramp the company.
    Their have been AI generated videos that have been released showing fabrications and fictions designed to cause fear
    causing some companies and even whole sectors to crash,and whilst most people were selling a silent minority were accumulating, it turned out those accumulating were the ones who released the video and imprisoned in the US for market manipulation.
    I would hasten to add that more announcements would be good, but it is not unheard of for such small young companies not to post lots of announcements as they are a small company.
    Thank god david deloub is applying diligence and careful with investors money.
    Its a shame that SHE has been hampered by your year on year downraming


    Last edited by Value4983843: 1 minute ago
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