BPT 1.08% $1.38 beach energy limited

Thanks 1impulse.I am a retired Oil and Gas project Manager, and...

  1. 850 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 173
    Thanks 1impulse.

    I am a retired Oil and Gas project Manager, and I find it hard to believe how they can mess up so badly a cookie-cutter NG conditioning plant like Waitsia.

    So many NG gas plants have been built all over the world, and even in Australia without this sort of construction and commissioning drama.

    What is wrong with these people? I really would like to get more details. Pipes, Valves and Solenoids are just commodity bulks - used in every project and always subject to quality control at source - even if that source is China or India.

    Did Waitsia not do any quality control on their bulk commodity bulks?

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$1.39 $1.41 $1.37 $6.291M 4.540M

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1 48850 $1.37

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$1.39 1300 2
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Last trade - 16.10pm 27/12/2024 (20 minute delay) ?
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