4DS 0.00% 4.6¢ 4ds memory limited

I did the math on the unlisted options the other day. Its closer...

  1. 993 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 882
    I did the math on the unlisted options the other day. Its closer to $2.2m, and a decent chunk of that is to Lodge at the ridiculous $0.20 price point which they won't exercise and expire 2025. Peter can only access 25% of his 10m unlisted options with another 25% unrestricted every x months after the first 12months.

    While I like all the theories posted in the past 48 hours, and a shout out to Darkstone and his walkthrough post, very well articulated. There are multiple things that simply don't add up (in regards to the BoD's communication, flip flopping, etc) and no one has the answers until the BoD come clean with some open and transparent communication.

    Don't worry though, Dave will come through with his usual response that the "ASX are very strict with what information gets shared with shareholders", even though there are thousands of announcements with nothing but fluff proving otherwise.
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