Do you think this is something you can do in-house

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Do you think this is something you can do in-house

Post by nishat654 »

Your focus should be on the big picture. You don’t have to learn about SEO or Google Ads. The sales driven by those digital marketing activities are what you should be focused on. On the other hand, you don’t have to worry about hiring new digital marketing employees and avoid burning your money with the wrong full-time hires.

Although the following statistics might not apply to every country in the world, still important for you to know:

The United States Department of Labor says the cost of a Sweden WhatsApp Number bad hire can reach up to 30% of the employee’s first-year earnings.
74% of companies that made poor hiring lost an average of $14,900 per poor hire according to CareerBuilder.
Let’s say you’re hiring an agency within $2,000 (RM8,000) – $5,000 (RM20,000) per month (which are reasonable rates globally but depending on what you’re looking for), you’ll get a team of digital marketing experts with years of experience and various skills. You may need to pay the same amount for hiring 1-2 full-time hires.

For example, Magnes Marketing helped one of their clients in understanding how to optimize their marketing budget through data analysis by a team of data analysts. They analyzed how the target audience of the client is landing on their site by conducting in-depth behaviour analysis and indicating how the users are interacting throughout their purchase journey. Moreover, they also developed econometric models that evaluate how different digital marketing channels are contributing to sales.


Yes, you can. But it’s going to cost you more.

Some companies try to lower their hiring cost by getting interns and entry-level employees. But, to scale their digital marketing efforts, they need to train their employees (additional cost) or hire an experienced marketer.

In most companies, the overall budget is often tied up with payroll and salaries which results in poor allocation to marketing. But, by choosing to hire a digital marketing agency that can deliver results, you can stay assured of getting the best ROI.
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